how to order food while out on the lake:

Find Where We Are At On The lake
You can do this by asking a friend, by following us on social media, or by going to our go to spots on the lake. It's not rocket science, just look for the boat that has a giant red buoy on it! Oh yea, and don't forget... we always have a ton of boats kicking it around us because we truly are "THE SPOT" to meet up at on the lake. Tell your friends, tell your girls, throw a T-bomb to your boys ladies, and come meet up at The Buoy to start your day off right. Continue with the steps below... sorry I got distracted ;)

Text Our Number To Receive Back Text With Menu
The fastest and easiest way for us to get you our menu is via texting. This is the 21st century and this definitely works so hopefully you are cool with it. Text this number to get menu: (208) 875-2253
The fastest and easiest way for us to get you our menu is via texting. This is the 21st century and this definitely works so hopefully you are cool with it. Text this number to get menu: (208) 875-2253

Call Our Number To Place Food Order (208) 875-2253
Once you place your order on the phone with us, we will give you a time
frame of when your food will be ready. You can either meet us at The Buoy to
pick up your order as soon as it's hot and ready to go...
Or you can float around our boat (at a safe distance, 100 ft. away) until we call your name.
Once you place your order on the phone with us, we will give you a time
frame of when your food will be ready. You can either meet us at The Buoy to
pick up your order as soon as it's hot and ready to go...
Or you can float around our boat (at a safe distance, 100 ft. away) until we call your name.

Wait For Name To Be Called From Our Mega Mic
If you decide to float around The Buoy and wait for your food to be ready, just
make sure you turn down your music on your boat so you can hear your name called over our mic system when your food is ready. We don't want you to miss hearing us call your name, otherwise we might give your food away ;) And if you think I'm serious with that statement, then just relax.. it was a joke. Once your name is called though, cruise to the NOSE of the FOOD BOAT to pick up your food.
If you decide to float around The Buoy and wait for your food to be ready, just
make sure you turn down your music on your boat so you can hear your name called over our mic system when your food is ready. We don't want you to miss hearing us call your name, otherwise we might give your food away ;) And if you think I'm serious with that statement, then just relax.. it was a joke. Once your name is called though, cruise to the NOSE of the FOOD BOAT to pick up your food.

Visualize, Execute, Celebrate. You Are Now A Winner
Congratulations! You just had an amazing meal out on the water, how does it feel? Visualize your food. Execute taking a selfie with your food. Then post it on instagram and tag us @thebuoycda. Then use this hashtag #thebuoycda in the same picture for a chance to win free food when we run fun contests. Last but not least, CELEBRATE because you are on the gravy train with biscuit of amazing free food!
Congratulations! You just had an amazing meal out on the water, how does it feel? Visualize your food. Execute taking a selfie with your food. Then post it on instagram and tag us @thebuoycda. Then use this hashtag #thebuoycda in the same picture for a chance to win free food when we run fun contests. Last but not least, CELEBRATE because you are on the gravy train with biscuit of amazing free food!